What is Group Acupuncture?
Group Acupuncture, also known as Community Acupuncture, is held in an open room with typically about five people being treated at any one time. This allows for patients to receive care in less time and for a lower price. Because it's in a group setting, you remain sitting and fully clothed. Other services like cupping, gua sha and moxibustion will not be provided. However, there is time on occasion for herbal medicine consults.
Who should try Group Acupuncture?
Anyone who's interested in acupuncture is welcome. Give it a try if you have any health concerns, whether it's something that's developed recently, or an issue that's been bothering you for years. Group sessions are a great way to experience acupuncture in a shortened timeframe, and for less money. The convenience and lower cost makes frequent treatments possible for more people. Bring your family and friends and get treated together!
Cost, appointments, hours, location?
For the first two months our clinic is open (starting January 29th and ending March 19th), as a "thank you" to the Petersburg community, ALL group acupuncture sessions will be FREE. These free services have been made possible through a generous sponsorship by Worrell Land Services of Jacksonville. Appointments starting March 19th will be on a sliding scale based on self-reported income, from $30- $50 per session.
HOW: To book your appointment, click on the "Schedule Now" button below. Note: space is limited to five patients per hour, so book ahead. Walk-ins welcome if we are not already booked.
WHEN: Weekly on Wednesdays from 3-5pm.
WHERE: Waiting room of Petersburg Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, 116 South Sixth Street.
What can Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture helps mind, body, and spirit. Here's a short (but not complete!) list of the types of health issues helped by acupuncture: allergies, asthma, anxiety, autoimmune illnesses, back and neck pain, chronic fatigue, constipation and digestive issues, depression and PTSD, eye issues, hypertension, infertility, low immunity and frequent colds, memory and brain fog, menopause, muscle problems, sleep, skin issues like eczema, period problems like fibroids and PMS. For more on what acupuncture can treat, see our webpage here.
QUESTIONS? Email, text, or call the office and we're happy to speak with you.